Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My Huffle is Done!

 Posted by Picasa Well, here is my Hufflepuff scarf in all of it's buttery glory! I have to say that I love this yarn (KnitPicks Merino Style)! Thank you so much for the suggestion and advice, Erin!

 Posted by PicasaThe next project on the needles is a fluffy pink poncho for Peanut. I'm knitting both halves at once because I am terrible with matching gauge from one piece to another. This way, they will both be lumpy in the same sections, lol!

I can't wait for Saturday! GoF, here we come!


Anonymous said...

I love your scarf! I had to restart my gryffendor scarf so I won't be done by friday:(

K.N. Senko said...

Looks beautiful! I just finished my Gryffindor scarf myself, but yours looks better i think. Mine's a bit short.

Thicket Dweller said...

That's gorgeous! I'm very impressed. :-)

dreamcatcher said...

Gorgeous Huffle scarf, great job :-) Managed to finish my 1x1 rib version before the film so wore that and a Huffle beanie!


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