Monday, September 24, 2007

What I've Been Up To-Continued

Brian came home the second week of June, very weak and still very sick but improving daily. We were getting very frustrated with the deal on our house, but I was ecstatic that Brian seemed to be feeling better. The bigger struggle was for him. He had lost 50 pounds in one month, most of it muscle. He was barely strong enough to walk down the hall. Being unable to do even the simplest things made my usually active, go-getting husband grouchy and depressed.

Then during the last week of June, Brian began running fevers in the 103 range. The fluids in his still healing abdomen had become infected. It was back to the hospital. Our local hospital was unable to work out what was wrong, so they transferred him to the big city hospital 30 minutes away. Brian spent 10 more days in the hospital, less than happy with the situation.

When my husband came home, he had two drains and an IV line. We had to administer high doses of antibiotics intravenously every morning. He was also continuing to lose weight at the rate of about a pound a day, despite drinking nutritional supplements between every meal. And guess what was happening with our house during this time.


Still Nothing.

Every week there was a new excuse as to why things weren't closing. The new buyers couldn't find insurance, their broker was sick, a water line broke in the lender's office and they had to close for a week, the list was unending. And so was our frustration.

But at home (well, actually my in-laws' home) Brian was getting better. Slowly he was able to do more and more. He was still on a barrage of antibiotics and other medicines, and now has to take daily shots of insulin(his pancreas was irreparably damaged by the pancreatitus, so it no longer functions correctly), but he was getting stronger and better every day. And that leads to the here and now.

Brian is so much better. He has put back on 20 pounds of the 65 total that he lost. He's happily back to work and we are swinging into our normal routine. Well, as close as we can come while living in the back bedroom of my PIL's house. Because yes, you guessed it...


We have been scheduled to sign paperwork 4 times now. Each time, we get within hours of the meeting and something goes awry on the buyers end. Mystery paperwork that has a 48 hour waiting period, emergency trip to the hospital, grandmother passes away, broker goes into the hospital, the lending bank's sister bank goes out of business. Unbelievable.

With all of our personal turmoil this summer, we have never once played the "sick card". The buyers seem to think there is nothing weird in taking 5 months to close a deal on a house that costs less than $100,000. They seem content to let this thing drag on to infinity. While I'm here pulling my hair out, waiting to buy a new house!



Anonymous said...

How very frustrating! I will be praying - not only for Brian's continued healing, but for this house to be closed and done with.

Thicket Dweller said...

I've been away from blogging for a while, so you'll have to tell me...did you ever close???


I can't believe that this blog still exists.  I had quite forgotten about it.  I still live in my snug little house. I still enjoy t...