Monday, October 10, 2005

Viruses, Electronic and Otherwise

Boy oh boy, do I feel like I've been gone forever! Our computer has been at the doctor for the last 8 days, due to a nasty bit of spyware that I just couldn't remove myself. Meanwhile, I've been stranded in no-technology land, not even able to check my email. I had over a thousand messages waiting for me when we got back up and running!

The house was run through by a little bug, of the human-affecting variety, and we had many days of drippy noses and sore throats. Everyone is now well though!

It may take we a few days to get caught up on everything, so if you have left a comment or question, don't despair! I will get back on track soon!

One plus side to the lack of computer. I have now knitted my Huffle POA scarf, in all it's yummy Merino glory, up past the fourth set of trapped bars! Yea! Plus, I was able to make an interpretation of an apron that I own, that once belonged to my Grandma and I have always loved but never wore very often for fear of spoiling it. I now have one to wear in my own kitchen. I'll post pictures later this week.

1 comment:

Thicket Dweller said...

I was beginning to worry about you! I'm so glad you're back. Now that both of our families are finishing up the sniffles, maybe we can get out and do something? Have you been to the cool fabric/yarn shoppe in Woo City?


I can't believe that this blog still exists.  I had quite forgotten about it.  I still live in my snug little house. I still enjoy t...