Monday, December 13, 2004

Let it Snow!

Here in my little corner of Ohio we are getting our first heavy snow of the season. I love it! My husband says I'm crazy, he much prefers more southern climes. I couldn't live without the changing of the seasons though. I can't imagine living somewhere that the only way you would know it was winter would be a five degree change in temperature. Even without having my livelihood tied to the land like a farmer, I still notice that my body rhythms are connected to the seasons. Spring makes me want to browse seed catalogs and dig up half of the yard. Summer makes me want to loaf around and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Autumn has me scurrying like a squirrel to put up jams and preserves (even though most of them end up as Christmas gifts instead of sustaining my family through the cold, hard winter) and clean out the closets. Winter is the best though. I love to snuggle up next to the fire and read, and putting up all of the bright Christmas decorations to keep the dark days at bay. I love the variety of this world!

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I can't believe that this blog still exists.  I had quite forgotten about it.  I still live in my snug little house. I still enjoy t...